The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Seahorses in trouble!

The story:
Seahorses may be heading toward decline in Florida

The world's four dozen or so species of seahorse have had a rough time of the last few decades, as coastal development, international trade and commercial fishing took their toll.

The seahorse's admirable family values, particularly for a fish, make them especially vulnerable to fishing, said Curry, of the Center for Biological Diversity.

"They're monogamous at least for the breeding season, and if one gets kidnapped by a human the other isn't going to breed," she said.

There you have it, folks. And the people who STEAL the seahorses from the OCEAN?

"The dwarf seahorse is not endangered," said Ken Kull, a Big Pine Key commercial fisherman who calls himself the "Seahorse King" of the Keys and sells them for $2.50 or so to aquarium fish wholesalers. "One day I'll get 50, another day 250. If you need 100 dwarf seahorses, give me a week and I'll go and get them."

Ken Kull is NOT the seahorse king! The true seahorse king dwells in his underwater kingdom in the coral castle! His subjects salute him beneath the waves!
The NSSAC pledges to stop Ken Kull's bloody crusade of seahorse murder and slavery!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Kull should be sent to sea horse sea prison! Ken Kull's initials have two Ks. That's only one K away from KKK. Coincidence? He is the cult leader of oppression of the sea horses. He shall not prevail!
