The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to track Ken Kull

Using google, just search for:
seahorse "ken kull" -king -NSSAC

If you don't take out king, you get a ton of copies of the news article where Ken Kull brags about being the seahorse king. Having seen that trash once, I don't care to see it again.

If you don't take out NSSAC, you get too many pages of our investigative journalism. We assume you've already seen that. Anyway, we're trying to see what other people know about this clown.

If you don't put in seahorse, you can find a different Ken Kull. Is he really different? Maybe we should keep track of this other Ken Kull.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ken Kull Under Surveillance For Pollution

Carbon Capture Report Profile of Ken Kull

The Carbon Capture Report keeps an eye on dirty polluters like seahorse kidnapper, Ken Kull. Well, CCR, the NSSAC is watching him, too! Let's make sure this guy behaves, okay?

We have our eye on you, Ken Kull. Leave the seahorses alone in their undersea realm, and stop dumping toxic waste on them.

Seashell Dream

Seashells are so pretty

Friday, December 23, 2011

Ancient Civilizations Respected Seahorses

"Golden Chief" Tomb Treasure Yields Clues to Unnamed Civilization

An ancient chief was buried with a golden seahorse pendant. Are seahorses the key to unlocking ancient wisdom?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mustakrakish: monstrous fiend or protector of the deep?

The Finnish book of necronomic spells warns us that the mighty Mustakrakish will rise from the gloomy depths of the lake and
Weak will die and land will all be burned
Mustakrakish king and death to worlds
This could be interpreted as a scary story about a mean monster. But in fact, it is a grave warning of the consequences of defiling the underwater realms. Lakes and oceans are supposed to be clean, clear, pristine places for fish and seahorses to enjoy. And you know what? If you mess that up, Mustakrakish will rise from his thousand year old sleep to devour you!

If you want to know more about the great troll, then read the Finnish book of necronomic spells or listen to Awaken by Dethklok.

This has been a public safety announcement by the NSSAC.

Seahorse Sea Tunes!

Our fictional friends from the show Metalocalypse have made an important observation. Sea creatures have no good metal.

FACT: Sea creatures have no music whatsoever!

This post is intended for our faithful followers to make some suggestions so we can put together a Seahorse Playlist. When completed, we will go into the water on full moon nights, play our sea tunes, and dance the mystical seahorse dance. Of course, we aren't as talented at dancing as our seahorse brethren!

Here's the first suggestion, given by our ingenious friends on Cartoon Network.

(watch for clips of the true seahorse Sea King in the video!)