The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Never eat a seahorse with a spork

Seahorses are not food. Seahorses are people, too. Seahorse seamen get pregnant! Are you happy, ladies? You would never eat a seahorse with a spork, would you?


  1. This is what I'm talking about. People don't understand that living underwater isn't just for the fishes. Seahorses are under constant tyranny. What, with all the nay-sayers saying that, "oh, you can't possibly have scales, or even have sexual intercourse during a new moon!" I say, let seahorses live their lives without scrutiny. This is a serious issue, and I plan to back NSSAC with all the funds I have available!

  2. There is nothing as beautiful as moonlight lovemaking, seahorse style!
