The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Official NSSAC Public Relations Department Brings the Word to the Unbelievers

Do you believe in seahorses? Well, you do now! That's for sure!

The Official NSSAC Public Relations Department was out in force today to spread the message that seahorses are people, too. When will our broken political system recognize that they have feelings and rights? Rights that we have to protect!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

NSSAC Political Activism

It's time for the NSSAC to get off of the sidelines and engage the politicians who are trying to marginalize the seahorse seashell lifestyle. To that end, we have compiled detailed reports on some well known presidential candidates.

Obamacare doesn't even cover seahorses: What's up with that, Obama? Why don't you care about seahorses? YOU DON'T EVEN CARE! Also, how do you explain this purple seahorse? What's the matter, don't have the answer on your notecard? I bet you didn't think we'd find out!

Mitt Romney Campaigns for the seahorse vote: Mitt Romney will say and do anything to get votes, but did you know that he is trying to get the seahorse vote EVEN THOUGH HE EATS RARE ENDANGERED SEAHORSES? Well Mitt, seahorses are too wise for that. They see right through you! Has Ken Kull shown you how to make seahorse shoelaces yet?

Friday, March 9, 2012


In an effort to better inform the public about matters pertaining to the NSSAC and our quest to inform the public about the NSSAC, the NSSAC is now opening the
Official NSSAC Public Relations Department.

NSSAC PR will be distributing promotional materials to the general public. Watch for the happy seahorse seashell logo and visit our website to win awareness of the NSSAC! That's the best prize there is!

Thank you for your attention.