The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

NSSAC Political Activism

It's time for the NSSAC to get off of the sidelines and engage the politicians who are trying to marginalize the seahorse seashell lifestyle. To that end, we have compiled detailed reports on some well known presidential candidates.

Obamacare doesn't even cover seahorses: What's up with that, Obama? Why don't you care about seahorses? YOU DON'T EVEN CARE! Also, how do you explain this purple seahorse? What's the matter, don't have the answer on your notecard? I bet you didn't think we'd find out!

Mitt Romney Campaigns for the seahorse vote: Mitt Romney will say and do anything to get votes, but did you know that he is trying to get the seahorse vote EVEN THOUGH HE EATS RARE ENDANGERED SEAHORSES? Well Mitt, seahorses are too wise for that. They see right through you! Has Ken Kull shown you how to make seahorse shoelaces yet?

Newt Gingrich's Seahorse Oil Plan: Newt Gingrich wants energy independence, and who doesn't? But his plan takes a dark turn. In order to make sure that all domestic energy sources are tapped, Newt wants to fish the seahorses out of the sea and turn them into oil that he can sell to Europe! Is it really worth it to grind up ALL of our seahorses just for a little profit? TELL NEWT NO!

Rick Santorum says seashells are too sexual: According to Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, seashells are what mermaids use for bras and they are inappropriate for viewing by minors. Seashells should only be seen by a merman when worn by his lawfully wedded mermaid wife, and only in the privacy of the bedroom, and only when procreating, never for fun. In everyday life, mermaids should be wearing modest attire that doesn't reveal vulgar or sexual body parts such as ankles and elbows.

Ron Paul doesn't seem to care about seahorses: Who is this guy? Why doesn't he even care? Maybe that's a good thing, though. Not caring is better than eating endangered species like Mitt Romney.

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