The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Poacher Blog

Hey everyone, if you're ever wondering to yourself, "how can I rape the environment and abuse cute and helpless animals?", be sure to check out Ken Kull's Guide to Poaching Seahorses. He's started to write informative articles about hunting, capturing, maiming, and killing seahorses. He loves to take them from their aquatic home and sell them for beer money. Then in his drunken stupor, he can easily justify his crimes. You see, he really needed to get drunk. That's why he kidnapped the seahorses.


  1. Yeah. I hear Kull and his life partner, Steve, use all of Kull's poaching profits to hit all the hot gay bars downtown like Kwest, Bobby's Monkey Bar, and Bourbon Street Pub. Some even say that Kull met Steve at 801 Bourbon Bar & Cabaret. But this could just be a rumor.

  2. damn right i ned to get drunk with you frigginf kds ont eh itnernet posting your bull all over me what int he sam hell is wrong with you????????!!!!!I AM NOT A FRIGGIN POACHER POACHING IS WHEN ITS ILEGAL I OBEY THE OCDDS AND MY BUSNES IS LEGAL YOU FRIGGIN IDIOTS YOU DUMB KDIS WILL FRIGGINR AG ON ME FOR ANYTHING EVENF IF T MAKEAS NO FRIGGINS ENSE !@!!!!!!1111L;I54JJKL;QT43QGAF43;3I I WANT TO PUNCH MY FRIGGIN COMPUTER RIGHT NOW I AM SO SOICK OF YORU BULL

  3. ok let me try to break it dodwn for you:

    there ids the law
    the law says ic an catch seahorses and other marine life
    i go out and cathc it
    i pay my friggin taxes
    i am q100% legal
    i go grab a beera fter a hard days work
    i go tell you kids how it is

    now its up to you to elarn a thing or to
    you can
    1 grow up and get a job
    2 sit on the comptuer in your friggin basement like a big hjerd

  4. hahaha and i deelete all your stupid bull you write on my sight haha

    just keep writing it crakcs me up to delete all your hard work hahaha

    stupid kids i figured out how to keep you down
    ia m jsut over here laguhing and havign my beer and then im gonna get laid your not because you are dumb kids haha go sit on your computer you friggin nerd kids

  5. Does Steve get mad when you pass out drink while he's trying to make love to you?
