The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Seashell Girls

I mentioned earlier that a seashell facial tattoo would attract seashell girls, so I thought I'd better let you know what you're getting!


  1. I think you've already had mystic runes scribed upon your face.

  2. kids you are never gonna get any of this if you sit around on your fat asses on the dang computer all day! you need to get a job, get paid, and then get laid! that said, i am proud of you because at least you arent gay boys like i thought. oh and seashell tattoos on your face isnt gonna get you any, i hope that is just more bull you are making up. on second thought, actually get a seahorse tattoo on your face because then at least id ont have to worry about you nerd reproducing

  3. Maybe you're right. I shouldn't worry about reproducing any time soon. I don't have to worry about somebody coming in and taking me away from my mate during our love making session.

    ...but seahorses do. You take them away from their mates during mating season, and that's why their populations are declining. Thanks, seahorse hunter.
