The Wheel of the Seahorse Seashell Glory:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Protection for the Cute Little Dwarf Seahorse

Check out this breaking news story: Smallest seahorse in US waters might get endangered protection Basically, Ken Kull looks like a huge dick now. Dwarf seahorses deserve better than your nets, Ken! In your face!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Deal with it.

Seahorses are awesome. So are seashells. You haters are lying to yourselves. Deep inside of you is a seahorse lover yearning to taste the cool fresh ocean spray and breathe free at last. Just open your heart to the majesty of the SEA!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Official NSSAC Public Relations Department Brings the Word to the Unbelievers

Do you believe in seahorses? Well, you do now! That's for sure!

The Official NSSAC Public Relations Department was out in force today to spread the message that seahorses are people, too. When will our broken political system recognize that they have feelings and rights? Rights that we have to protect!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

NSSAC Political Activism

It's time for the NSSAC to get off of the sidelines and engage the politicians who are trying to marginalize the seahorse seashell lifestyle. To that end, we have compiled detailed reports on some well known presidential candidates.

Obamacare doesn't even cover seahorses: What's up with that, Obama? Why don't you care about seahorses? YOU DON'T EVEN CARE! Also, how do you explain this purple seahorse? What's the matter, don't have the answer on your notecard? I bet you didn't think we'd find out!

Mitt Romney Campaigns for the seahorse vote: Mitt Romney will say and do anything to get votes, but did you know that he is trying to get the seahorse vote EVEN THOUGH HE EATS RARE ENDANGERED SEAHORSES? Well Mitt, seahorses are too wise for that. They see right through you! Has Ken Kull shown you how to make seahorse shoelaces yet?

Friday, March 9, 2012


In an effort to better inform the public about matters pertaining to the NSSAC and our quest to inform the public about the NSSAC, the NSSAC is now opening the
Official NSSAC Public Relations Department.

NSSAC PR will be distributing promotional materials to the general public. Watch for the happy seahorse seashell logo and visit our website to win awareness of the NSSAC! That's the best prize there is!

Thank you for your attention.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do you believe in seashells?

Seashells are magical. They're like little cauldrons of magic from the ocean. They are filled with mystic power. Some people say that seashells are the telephones of the ocean. Just put one to your ear and listen. Can you hear the sea calling? Just take this ancient poem as evidence:

It's the Whirly Swirly Seashell
Rolling right across the waves
Say hello to fish you know
And swim free in the blue!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Whirly Swirly Seashell

The whirly swirly seashell swirls past you on the tide.
The soft waves lap against you gently.
The ocean calls you to join the seahorses in their underwater kingdom.
The deep beckons you to make you home in the whirly swirly seashell with the sea creatures.
Too bad you can't fit in the shell because you're too big. Maybe you should try a diet.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Stones of the Sea!

Shells and horses aren't the only amazing things you can find beneath the waves! You can find beautiful pebbles, stones, and rocky outcroppings! You can collect your sea stones and make lovely decorations!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Seahorse seashell romance

I bet you think this is a sweet valentine's day post. Yeah right! Seahorses don't need a special day for it. Sucker! Seahorses know romance all the FRIGGIN time! (I put that one in there for you, K-man)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Seahorse BLING!

Look at this lovely seahorse ring! It's so shiny and pretty. I wish I could be the pretty seahorse that gets to wear it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8th is national February 8th appreciation day.

February 8th is a day to step back from your busy life and think about what February 8th means to you. For example, one of the special things in my life that happened on February 8th was when I invented February 8th appreciation day, which is on February 8th.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The word of the day is still santorum

Santorum: a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.

Happy Seahorse Mommy Daddy

the ready seahorses did it I don't like seahorses so you can see that don't say that do you like the show yes I like facials 2 buick seahorses

That was a demonstration of our new seahorse seashell technology. You see, here at the NSSAC, we talk to our computers and they listen to us and write down the words. They just don't do a very good job. But wait until next year!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Seahorse Captain!

Hippocampus Kuda: The Common Seahorse

This species of seahorse can be found in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. They're typically 15 to 23cm in length. Like most seahorse species, H. Kuda can change color based on surroundings and even mood! These guys reach maturity in 4 to 5 months. These guys like warm water: 20 to 25°C.

Seahorses Know Romance!

Ka Mo‘olelo Moana: Seahorses - Romance is not dead

When a male and a female decide they like each other, they begin to swim side by side, holding tails or twirling around the same piece of seaweed. This courtship process can last for days. After this initial period, a true dance begins and can last up to eight hours!

You see, seahorses can go all night! Just think of that amazing stamina. What do you take to bed with you?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Any Month's a Good Month to Love Seahorses!

It's February, and that mean's Valentine's day is around the corner. It's a day for celebrating love. But you can celebrate your love for seahorses any day of any month. You don't need an official day. Loving seahorses is just a part of who you are. It's part of the seahorse seashell lifestyle. When I get out of bed and shake off my blissful dreams of frolicking seahorses, I take a moment to reflect on what seahorses mean to me.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reminder: Never Eat a Seahorse With a Spork

National Seahorse Seashell Awareness Campaign: Never eat a seahorse with a spork

As we close out the first month of a new year, I think it's important to look back on our commitments. I'm sure you all follow the great BOB's commandment to eat every meal with a spork, but will you also adopt the NSSAC's Jubilant Seahorse Policy and promise never to turn that mighty spork against a seahorse? It means so much to us when you pledge your support.

Seahorse Seafan is You!

No, I don't mean this kind of sea fan. I mean an enthusiastic follower! And we need plenty of them. It's time to defend the seahorses! Don't you want your children to enjoy an ocean full of seahorses and seashells? Help us protect the bounty of the SEA! Under the waves is where the happy feelings are there for you to go get and feel good about! HURRAY!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Snozberry Seashell!

The NSSAC is proud to announce the Snozberry Seashell! The Snozberry Seashell is a triumphant and joyful expression of seashell love and the seahorse seashell lifestyle. With this announcement comes the addition of new colors to the NSSAC Seahorse Seashell Art Department Official Palette!

NSSAC Official Glistening Snozberry Seashell: #B66BA4
NSSAC Official Medium Snozberry: #774465
NSSAC Official Deep Snozberry Shadow: #554545

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Be Aware! That's our motto.


Here's an interesting video from the California Academy of Sciences that Ken the Seahorse Hunter doesn't want you to see.

See, Ken Kull doesn't open many books. On his blog he spews untrue facts (web link below). He thinks that he is "saving" the seahorses, saying,

(note: Ken has trouble spelling)
"i take them from there life in the cruel ocean...the natural habatats of these animals are cold and full of sharks and the like, and with all those predeters and what have you, well, lets just say its a good thing im there to save them."

Well, if you just saw the video, you now have seen for yourself how this is very UNTRUE! The main predator of seahorses is MAN. Here's more

" I can catch you all the seahorses you need. I get you 100's of them."

"anyay, my favorite animals are seahorses. i catch all kinds of seahorses and sell them as pets. so, if you need a cute little seahorse for your aquarium, just give me a holler and i will go snatch it from that mean ocean and give it a much better home in your home! "

See what I mean? Seahorses are under attack!

Ken's blog: How to destroy all seahorses.

NSSAC Official Colors

The NSSAC has discovered some specific colors that can enhance your pursuit of the seahorse seashell lifestyle.

NSSAC Official Whimsical Seahorse Yellow: #FDFD56
NSSAC Official Jolly Poseidon Blue: #00C6FF
NSSAC Official Tranquil Sea Blue: #007FFF

And of course, don't forget about our favorite classic colors:

Classic Yellow: #FFFF00
Classic Blue: #0000FF
Classic Black: #000000
Classic White: #FFFFFF

Stay tuned for future updates as we discover more exciting colors!

Seahorse Seashell Background Art

Here at the NSSAC, we are very concerned with bringing the seahorse seashell lifestyle experience to our viewers and readers. Therefore, with this in mind, it is our goal to achieve complete seashell seahorse immersion when you visit our website! Therefore, we are now exploring improvements to our site's layout and artwork. The next step is the background. Take a look at this example.

Or how about this one?

We're trying to fill in the unnatural looking blank spots so that your seahorse seashell experience can be complete.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


You may have noticed the colorful circle at the top of our page. This one:


The colors of the circle are a reminder of the joy that the seahorse seashell lifestyle brings. When you have the shells and the horses of the sea in your life, everything is... well it's just swell, folks. Swell, like the swell of the sea as the waves go by. Yeah... that's the life. So go get a seashell today, and go dive to visit a seahorse in his natural home. But don't disturb him! Oh no no no. Do not disturb!

Monday, January 23, 2012

this is called voice to text

ah blah blah blah blah seahorse sea horse I want to tell you the story about the horse that lived in a castle under the sea he has an easy shows near him and there is some sick raps nearby you porn the point the point I wanna make it out to sea horses that he was happy before 10 call came with the net and took his whole family away ken cole kidnap the seahorses it took him away in his net and put them in a tank penciled into a kid with a snotty nose siesels under the ocean who sees I don't have the seas seashell under the ocean sea shells are under the water something loose inside the seashell who is inside the cell when you find out

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Angry Seahorse

WATCH OUT! This seahorse just heard what Ken Kull did to her mate. Now, she is ANGRY! Here at the NSSAC, the seahorse seashell lifestyle is very important to us. We will do what we can to help this seahorse restore that lifestyle, even though we know that her life will never be the same.

Seashell Information

Check it out! You can learn about seashells!

Seahorse Information

Please take a moment to learn a few things about seahorses from some fellow seahorse appreciators.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Poacher Blog

Hey everyone, if you're ever wondering to yourself, "how can I rape the environment and abuse cute and helpless animals?", be sure to check out Ken Kull's Guide to Poaching Seahorses. He's started to write informative articles about hunting, capturing, maiming, and killing seahorses. He loves to take them from their aquatic home and sell them for beer money. Then in his drunken stupor, he can easily justify his crimes. You see, he really needed to get drunk. That's why he kidnapped the seahorses.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dwarf Seahorse: Cutest little sea creature & Ken Kull's prime target

Just take a look at this cute little dwarf seahorse:

Can you believe that Ken Kull, the seahorse hunter makes his living from kidnapping these things and selling them? He is making his profits on the backs of poor defenseless sea creatures. Defenseless... until now! The NSSAC won't stand for this sort of abuse of the ocean's bounty!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Badass sand seahorse!

Better watch out!

More Seahorse Flag Concepts!

More blue shells, yellow shell with attitude, and cleaner outline on the majestic seahorse.

Also, played with the chevrons. The last image finally has them aligned properly! HURRAY!

And then the real last image is a SQUARE

By the way, the official shade of blue for the NSSAC is #00C6FF

Monday, January 16, 2012

Aquarium Pervert Terrorizes Defenseless Sea Creatures

NSSAC Exclusive Coverage:
We have received a police sketch of a man that witnesses say was seen hanging around the touch tank at the Key West Aquarium on Saturday. Authorities say the man was spotted holding a newspaper in one hand and that he had the other hand deep in his pocket. Visitors say he stared at them while they touched the animals in the exhibit, and that they felt very uncomfortable. The suspect is a Caucasian male in his late fifties to early sixties. He was last seen wearing a black shirt and a red baseball cap.

Seashell Week Adds Seashells to NSSAC Logo!

Our logo needs shells! Seashells, to be precise! Which design looks best?

Seashell Girls

I mentioned earlier that a seashell facial tattoo would attract seashell girls, so I thought I'd better let you know what you're getting!

Thanks for the free publicity!

Dear Ken Kull, the Seahorse Hunter:

I hope you don't mind the title change. It better fits what you do. It kind of has that Walker, Texas Ranger ring to it. Don't you think? Well, at least Walker fought crime. You just take advantage of the weak... but more on that later.

You have a blog. That's so cute! We here at the National Seahorse Seashell Awareness Campaign would like to thank you for your free publicity on your blog. I would have just responded directly on your blog, but, sorry to say, your blog doesn't get as much attention from google searches as ours does. But regardless of your blog's popularity, we thank you for putting our name out there for more to see what we do here at NSSAC.

Mr. Hunter, we are not jerks. We just want people to be aware (see title at top of page) of seahorses and the unnatural dangers they face, namely you. If you notice, our blog entries refer to articles about your seahorse tyranny. Secondly, please do not make fun of our name. Seahorses and seashells are near and dear to our hearts, and we want others to know the joy of these things. On the other hand, your name is not appropriate, for obvious reasons.

Now that I have your attention, and your are undoubtedly reading this – probably reading silently and moving your lips. (It's ok, we all do it.) I have some questions. Your profile says that you “...take [fish] from there life (Actually, it's 'their', but you're frustrated. So we'll let it slide.) in the cruel ocean so that you and your friends can adimre (It's 'admire'...) there ('their') beatufil ('beautiful'. Come on, dude. It's like shooting seahorses in a barrel. Am I right?) colors.” OK, so besides the atrocious spelling errors, I don't understand that statement. You take seahorses from their natural habitat and put them in small cages. Your reasons for doing this are completely absurd. I'm sure the seahorses prefer the temperature of their water to be cold... I think that's why they live there... Also, I think they would prefer the lurking natural predators to a small cell. Would you prefer your natural habitat to, say, solitary confinement? If your livelihood is poaching our kind friends, maybe you should consider joining the mob. They love to kidnap. Although, the mob has the balls to kidnap humans, which may be out of your league.


  • We like the seahorses and show it by appreciating them from a distance, not affecting their world.
  • You like seahorses and show it by hunting them down.
But that doesn't make sense. Let's think about that for a minute:
  1. Seahorse populations are in decline, possibly on the verge of endangerment.
  2. Seahorses are monogamous during mating season.
  3. If one of the seahorse mates is gone he/she doesn't mate.
  4. You kidnap seahorses from their natural habitat.
  5. Therefore, you contribute to the loss of seahorses.

Facts (corrected)
  • We like the seahorses and show it by appreciating them from a distance, not affecting their world.
  • You hate seahorses and show it by hunting them down.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Seashell Beauty

I just had to share this with you. Can you see how pretty it is? Imagine having that on your towel, or your shirt, or even YOUR FACE! SEASHELL FACIAL TATTOO! Oh man, you could pick up all the seashell girls that way!

I wish I could live in a seashell.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New NSSAC Logo!

Yesterday, the NSSAC got a new logo! It has the soft tranquil blue of the sea and sky with the vibrant, in your face yellow of some fancy colored fish. Then, a mighty seahorse! SEAHORSE!

Maybe there should be a seashell in there somewhere...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seashell Mystery

Seashells are like houses. Who lives here? Is anyone home? When you find a shell of the sea, knock on the door and see who greets you!

Friday, January 6, 2012

NSSAC Now The Leading Authority on Ken Kull

Check out our recent article on Ken Kull. It's now internationally recognized by Google as the definitive source for information about this dirt bag seahorse kidnapper. In the digital age, it's up to us seahorse loving citizens to protect our seahorse-seashell lifestyle from dirty seahorse murderers and kidnappers. I bet he wants to do other bad things to seahorses, too. Watch out, Ken Kull. We are here to protect the ocean's bounty!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Seahorse NEWS!

Hippocampus hippocampus - so good they named it twice!

Yay seahorses!

Word of the Day!

The word of the day is always seahorse! But today, we have a backup word of the day, word of the day #2! It's santorum, which is the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

NSSAC Action

Here at the NSSAC, we want you to know about seahorses. Seahorses are our special friends who live INSIDE the water. I mean the ocean. Seashells are like houses for other water creatures, so they are obviously important to us. Please try to be aware of our undersea friends! Hurray!